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Finding a Protein Motif

Rosalind Problem

Given: At most 15 UniProt Protein Database access IDs.

Return: For each protein possessing the N-glycosylation motif (N{P}[ST]{P}), output its given access ID followed by a list of locations in the protein string where the motif can be found.

Sample Dataset


Sample Output

85 118 142 306 395
47 115 116 382 409
79 109 135 248 306 348 364 402 485 501 614

Python Playground

ids = '''A5GIU0 P29460_I12B_HUMAN P01215_GLHA_HUMAN P02186 P00748_FA12_HUMAN A2A2Y4 Q5FTZ8 P08709_FA7_HUMAN P01045_KNH2_BOVIN Q3T0C9 P06765_PLF4_RAT A3N0C7 P00743_FA10_BOVIN P40225_TPO_HUMAN ''' # ids is given as input UniProt Protein IDs # Write your code here ans = '''P29460_I12B_HUMAN 125 135 222 303 P01215_GLHA_HUMAN 76 102 P00748_FA12_HUMAN 249 433 A2A2Y4 90 359 407 Q5FTZ8 49 62 P08709_FA7_HUMAN 205 382 P01045_KNH2_BOVIN 47 87 168 169 197 204 280 Q3T0C9 15 38 P06765_PLF4_RAT 82 A3N0C7 59 P00743_FA10_BOVIN 218 P40225_TPO_HUMAN 197 206 234 255 340 348 ''' Ex().has_output(ans) success_msg("Great job!")